Several different facilities are required to run a hospital properly, i.e. different types of machinery, instruments, types of equipment, electronic devices, paramedical staff, and doctors. All resources have to be managed by the hospital to provide services in a crisis like situation. Like in case of some pandemic outbreak like Covid-19, to deal with natural calamities like earthquakes or to deal with the fallout of a large scale accident like train wrecks. Unfortunately, in Pakistan hospitals face major challenges to deal with major health problems.
The management authority of the hospital has to face various problems and challenges to accommodate and adjust the available resources. Like, the Human Resource department of the hospital has to replace the old installation to accommodate the new facilities to provide a better facility for patients on time.
Hospitals have a limited budget so the administration or HR department has to face challenges in providing the required resources. The cost of technological items like electronic devices, computerized devices, heating systems, ventilators, ICU equipment, operation theatre machinery and surgical tools, etc. is higher. These medical equipment are the basic requirements of a hospital. Otherwise, doctors and nurses will unable to attend and treat the patients properly. Even, patients will face trouble in their treatment.
As a top priority, resources and machinery of emergency and ICU ward should be well-settled so the patients who come in an emergency will be attended properly by the doctors with full facilities. The administration has to manage the uncollected bills mostly from the emergency department. The resources of the emergency department are used frequently. So, managing the resources of the emergency department is a big problem and therefore hospitals face major challenges to cope with the situations.
Arrangement for the training of new young doctors should be made as they are future doctors. Plus, resources like tools and equipment should be available so they will be able to practice in daily routine without any trouble. To manage the resources for practicing doctors is also a challenge for the management authority.
Other than the availability of technological equipment and resources, the management department of the hospital has to ensure enough doctors. It is because a strong relationship exists between physicians/doctors and patients. Enough availability of the doctors will train the new doctors and will also be able to attend the patients on time.
Moreover, management authority has to manage the traffic area of the hospital properly. Staff like guards should be on duty to align the traffic. Even, while constructing the building of the hospital, a complete area should be allocated for parking. So, patients will be able to park cars conveniently. Also, serious patients will be able to attend quickly in an emergency.
Management authority also has to play a vital role in maintaining the standard of the hospital. They are in constant competition with other hospitals and have to provide the same services or better services than other healthcare institutes. If they are unable to meet the standards of quality, patients will be unsatisfied. So, achieving the level of satisfaction from the patient is a big challenge for the management authority.
The process of billing systems is a big challenge for the administration of the hospital. The administration has to ensure the collection of the payments from the time a patient is admitted to the time the patient is discharged. All the payments should be managed through proper software for medical billing. Management of the billing system is only possible through programmers to ensure the collection of bills on time. Professional IT staff should be hired to quality IT related services to the hospital.
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