One of the most important issues facing humanity today is climate change. It is a complicated problem with many facets that could have an effect on every area of our life, from the food we consume to the air we breathe. The term “climate change” describes how human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, has altered long-term global temperatures and weather patterns. Among other effects, it is causing biodiversity loss, increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and increasing sea levels. The causes and effects of climate change, the current efforts to address the problem, and the future of our world if we do nothing , will all be covered in this article.
Manifestations of Climate Change:
Rising Temperatures:
One of the most important effects of climate change is rising temperatures. Due to human activities like the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation, global temperatures have been rising at an unprecedented rate over the past century. The following are some effects of temperature increases brought on by climate change:
Heatwaves: Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and strong, increasing the danger of illnesses and fatalities brought on by the heat, particularly in groups that are already at risk.
Droughts: Increasing temperatures are making it more difficult to get enough water for drinking, farming, and other needs.
Wildfires: Hotter and drier weather patterns are producing more frequent and destructive wildfires, which are harming ecosystems, houses, and other property.
Precipitation patterns are changing as a result of climate change, with some regions seeing more frequent and heavy rainfall events and others experiencing prolonged droughts.
Melting of glaciers and sea ice: Warmer temperatures are driving glaciers and sea ice to melt, which will cause sea levels to rise and ocean currents to change.
Impacts on wildlife: As a result of habitat modifications brought on by rising temperatures, many plant and animal species’ behaviours, migration patterns, and reproductive cycles are changing.
Agriculture and food security: Crop yields and food security are being impacted by changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, especially in developing nations.
Human society and environmental systems are significantly threatened by the rising temperatures brought on by climate change. To stop additional effects, immediate action is required to cut greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming.
Ocean Acidification:
Ocean acidification, one of the indicators of climate change, is brought on by the oceans’ absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Among the consequences of ocean acidification are the following:
Ocean acidification has an adverse effect on marine life because it lowers the number of carbonate ions that are present in saltwater. These ions are necessary for marine animals like corals, mollusks, and plankton to construct and maintain their shells and skeletons. These organisms may have slower development, poor reproduction, and mortality as a result of this.
The ocean absorbs about 30% of the CO2 released into the atmosphere each year, and this has resulted in a 30% increase in the acidity of surface seawater since the Industrial Revolution.
According to studies, ocean acidification has the potential to significantly affect marine ecosystems and food webs, changing the biodiversity and species composition of the ocean, as well as the availability of food for people and other creatures. Numerous marine creatures, such as fish, crabs, and lobsters, can also be impacted in terms of physiology and behaviour.
Ocean acidification, as a whole, is an important sign of how human activity affects the ecosystem and highlights the necessity of cutting greenhouse gas emissions to lessen the effects of climate change.
Change in behaviours of Plants and Animals:
The behaviour and life cycles of numerous plants and animals are changing due to climate change, including migration patterns, breeding cycles, habitat range, timing of flowering and fruiting, and behaviour. Breeding cycles are delayed due to changes in food supply, and migration patterns are shifting as a result of changing temperatures and food availability. Warming temperatures are causing changes in habitat range, early flowering and fruiting, and a shift in behaviour where people are more active at night or other times of the day to avoid the heat. The interactions between various species in ecosystems as well as the overall health and functionality of these ecosystems may be significantly impacted by these changes in behaviour and life cycles.
Read More: How Does Technology Can Play It’s Role In Climate Change – About Pakistan
Shrinking Icecaps and Permafrost:
The Earth’s ice caps and permafrost are melting at an alarming rate due to climate change, with serious ramifications for the ecosystem and the societies that depend on them. These effects include a rise in sea levels, modifications to ocean currents, the release of carbon that has been stored, modifications to ecosystems, and effects on human communities. The distribution and abundance of plant and animal species can be affected, as well as the economic and cultural effects on human groups, due to the melting of ice caps and permafrost. It requires immediate effort to lessen its effects and cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to lessen its effects and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Latest News And Developments about Climate Change
IPCC Report 2023
The sixth assessment report (AR6) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the most reputable scientific organisation on climate change, was released in its entirety on March 20,2023. This IPCC synthesis report offers the most thorough, most accurate scientific assessment of climate change currently available, drawing on the findings of 234 scientists on the physical science of climate change, 270 scientists on impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability to climate change, and 278 scientists on climate change mitigation.
According to the IPCC, there is a greater than 50% likelihood that the world’s temperature will rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) or more between 2021 and 2040, and under a high-emissions route in particular, this point may be reached even sooner, between 2018 and 2037. By 2100, the global temperature rise under this high-carbon scenario might reach 3.3 to 5.7 degrees Celsius (5.9 to 10.3 degrees Fahrenheit). The last time the earth’s temperature topped 2.5 degrees Celsius (4.5 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial levels was more than 3 million years ago, putting the expected amount of warming into context.
It will be necessary to drastically reduce GHG emissions in the near future in order to alter course and keep global warming to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) or less. Modelled routes that achieve this goal of limiting global warming show that GHG emissions peak as soon as possible, preferably before 2025. They then see a sharp decline, falling from 2019 levels by 43% by 2030 and 60% by 2035.
The 27th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is referred to as COP27. To negotiate and carry out global action on climate change, this is an international gathering that brings together representatives from governments, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders.
The UNFCCC Paris pact, which is a legally binding pact under the UNFCCC to limit global warming to well below 2°C over pre-industrial levels, is reviewed at the COP, which takes place annually.
The establishment and operationalization of a loss and damage fund was the historic conclusion of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), which was held in the Egyptian beach city of Sharm el-Sheikh, on November 20.
António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, welcomed the decision and praised the fund, but he emphasised that more must be done right away to substantially reduce emissions. In terms of climate ambition, “the world still needs a giant leap.”
He emphasised that the 1.5 degree temperature limit is the “red line” that humanity must not cross and urged everyone to continue “the fight for climate justice and climate ambition.”
We can and must prevail in this struggle for our survival.
Extreme Weather Events
climate change has brought about some of the exreme weather conditions thathas caused a great impact on economy and infrastructure everywhere around the globe here are a few of such events:
Floods in Pakistan and South Asia
In June 2022, Pakistan witnessed a monsoon that set a record, leaving 33 million people homeless and killing over 1,500 people. According to experts, climate change made the floods up to 50% worse and produced three times as much rainfall as Pakistan’s 30-year normal. The calamity was additionally exacerbated by haphazard infrastructure development, urbanization-related deforestation, and the melting of Himalayan glaciers. According to experts, climate change made the floods up to 50% worse and produced three times as much rainfall as Pakistan’s 30-year normal.
Heatwave in South and Central Asia
The terrible weather disasters that Pakistan and its neighbours had to face are the most crucial aspects in this article. An early heatwave that reached South and Central Asia in March caused temperatures to surpass 40 degrees Celsius for more than two weeks in May 2022 and reach record highs in several parts of India. Northern Pakistan’s medicinal crops were devastated by flames, while pastoralists in Kashmir were left without any grass to feed their livestock. The dangerous absence of cooling equipment that more than 320 million people in India experience was also made apparent by the heatwave.
Heatwave and drought in China
China had its worst heatwave in 60 years from June to August 2022, with temperatures surpassing 40 degrees Celsius in some provinces. For more than 25 days, China’s Meteorological Administration continuously issued extreme heat warnings, and a severe drought dried up rivers and severely hindered hydropower generation, resulting in power outages and the disruption of international supply chains. According to Chen Lijuan, a specialist at the National Climate Centre, such heatwaves will become the “new normal” as a result of climate change. Henan, China’s largest wheat-producing region, was similarly impacted by the drought in terms of food output.
Tropical storms and typhoons in the Philippines
Typhoons are becoming more frequent and stronger in the Philippines as a result of warmer oceans and rising temperatures worldwide. Six super typhoons per year will soon become the new normal, according to scientists and environmentalists after Typhoon Rai killed more than 400 people in December 2021. Typhoons Noru and Nesat, as well as other powerful typhoons, hit the area in 2022. Typhoons Hinnamnor and Namadol, which caused great damage, also impacted Japan and South Korea. Landslides and floods were brought on by tropical storms, with Tropical Storm Nalgae being the deadliest, generating more than 550 flooding disasters nationwide.
Read More: Catastrophic impacts of climate change around the World – About Pakistan
Sandstorms in the Middle East
In May of previous year, sand and dust storms slammed the Middle East, forcing over a thousand people to the hospital and delaying flights. In the past, the World Bank issued a warning that these storms could harm infrastructure and transportation. Sandstorms, on the other hand, have started to occur earlier and more frequently, beginning as early as March 2022 and covering a larger area. Environmentalists and authorities have issued warnings that they are likely to worsen as a result of rising global temperatures.
Drought in the Horn of Africa
The Horn of Africa, which includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia as well as the bordering country of Uganda, is experiencing one of the worst food crises the region has ever seen due to drought.
This year, eight million people in Ethiopia were afflicted by famine and drought, according to Carbon Brief’s analysis of information from the Emergency Events Database, a global disaster database. Famine and drought also claimed the lives of 2,500 people in Uganda.
Global Developments to mitigate the effects of climate change
Renewable Energy
The use of renewable energy is crucial in the fight against global warming. The main cause of greenhouse gas emissions, which are what lead to climate change, is the burning of fossil fuels for energy. Utilising renewable energy sources, such as hydropower, solar, and wind, can drastically reduce emissions and slow the rate of global warming.
Here are a few methods that renewable energy can aid in the fight against climate change:
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: Renewable energy sources have a significantly smaller carbon footprint than fossil fuels since they don’t emit as much greenhouse gases as those sources do. We can lower greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rate of climate change by switching to renewable energy.
Energy efficiency: Compared to conventional energy sources, renewable energy sources are frequently more efficient in producing the same amount of energy with a given number of resources. This could aid in lowering energy waste and improving the sustainability of energy consumption.
Economic advantages: The expansion of the renewable energy industry has the potential to spur job growth and economic expansion. Communities may have the chance to move away from fossil fuels and towards a more sustainable future as a result of this.
Energy security: Because renewable energy sources are frequently more decentralised than conventional energy sources, they can offer higher levels of security. By doing this, communities may be less vulnerable to interruptions in the energy supply that may result from unpredictable geopolitical events or extreme weather.
Technological advancement: New energy technologies are being developed as a result of the expansion of the renewable energy industry. These technologies have the potential to lower costs and boost productivity. As a result, communities all across the world may have easier access to and lower costs for renewable energy.
In general, renewable energy is a vital weapon in the fight against global warming. It might lower emissions, boost energy efficiency, spur economic expansion, and enhance energy security. We can contribute to building a more robust and sustainable future for ourselves and future generations by making investments in renewable energy.
Social Movements
People all across the world are joining social movements in the battle against climate change as they realise how urgent and crucial it is to address this issue on a global scale. Here are a few recent social movements that have gained traction:
Fridays for Future is a youth-led campaign that got its start in August 2018 when Swedish activist Greta Thunberg started skipping class to demonstrate outside the Swedish Parliament and call for action on climate change. Since then, the movement has spread to more than 150 nations, with students walking out of class to demand action on climate change.
Extinction Rebellion is an international movement that calls for action on climate change and the ecological catastrophe through nonviolent civil disobedience. In 2018, the UK saw the start of the movement, which has now spread to more than 70 nations.
Sunrise Movement: The Sunrise Movement is a youth-led organisation established in the US that promotes climate change political action. The Green New Deal, a plan to transform the US to a low-carbon economy while generating employment and decreasing inequality, has benefited greatly from the movement’s support.
The Climate Justice Alliance is a group of frontline communities, organisations, and coalitions advocating for climate justice and a fair transition to a low-carbon economy. It is based in the US. Communities most affected by climate change, such as low-income communities and communities of colour, are leading the campaign.
Indigenous Climate Action: Indigenous Climate Action is a Canadian organisation that defends the rights of Indigenous peoples in the face of climate change and supports Indigenous-led climate solutions. The group strives to incorporate indigenous viewpoints and traditional knowledge into climate action.
Corporate Climate Actions
The importance of corporate climate activities is rising in the fight against climate change. Corporations have a crucial role to play in lowering emissions and making the transition to a low-carbon economy because they are some of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. Here are some examples of how businesses are addressing climate change:
Creating targets for emissions reduction: Many businesses are creating targets for their emissions of greenhouse gases. These goals may be based on factors other than science-based targets that are in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Additionally, businesses are establishing goals to use more renewable energy and rely less on fossil fuels.
Many businesses are making investments in renewable energy, both to lower their emissions and to give their operations a reliable and sustainable source of energy. This can entail making investments in their own infrastructure for renewable energy or acquiring renewable energy from outside suppliers.
Reducing waste and water consumption, improving energy efficiency, and employing sustainable materials are just a few of the sustainable business practises that companies are implementing. These procedures can lower emissions and increase the operational sustainability.
Supply chain management is being practised by businesses in an effort to lower the emissions linked to their supply chains. This is done by collaborating with suppliers to do the same, employing sustainable products, and cutting waste.
Promoting policy change: To support the shift to a low-carbon economy, several businesses are pushing for policy change at the local, national, and international levels. Supporting policies that encourage renewable energy, carbon pricing, or other emission-reduction measures may fall under this category.
Read More: The Climate of Pakistan – About Pakistan
In conclusion, one of the most urgent global issues we are currently facing is climate change, which might have disastrous repercussions for both our planet and its population. However, there are numerous strategies to lessen the effects of climate change and make the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future.
We must cut greenhouse gas emissions since it is one of the most crucial things we can do. This can be accomplished by combining both individual and collective activities, such as cutting back on energy use and driving less, and by supporting laws that favour renewable energy and lower emissions from industry and transportation.
Other significant methods that businesses may combat climate change include making investments in renewable energy, implementing sustainable business practises, and implementing supply chain management. Last but not least, social movements and advocacy work can be extremely influential in building political momentum and promoting swift and comprehensive action to address the climate catastrophe.
Despite the fact that there is still much to be done to lessen the effects of climate change, there are solutions that are within our grasp. We can build a more sustainable and resilient future for present and future generations by cooperating and taking action at all scales, from the individual to the global.