Medical degrees are obtained to get employed and the graduates are unaware of their subject in depth. As far as the medical field is concerned, the same formula can be applied there. The most common degree holder in the medical field is recognized as a doctor who is MBBS and prescribe allopathic medicine. Whereas, many medical colleges in Pakistan provide the diploma in homeopathy which is known as DHMS (doctor of homeopathy medical system). This is a brief comparative study of allopathy and homeopathy.
A doctor is required to treat common diseases like fever and flu etc. For the treatment of any complicated disease like diabetes, kidney problem or cancer, a specialist is required. The country is lacking specialist doctors in almost all medical fields. These doctors usually charge a high fee which is normally out of the range of the majority of the people in Pakistan. As a result, people bank upon the cheap system of treatment which is homeopathy.
There are a lot of quack doctors who neither have MBBS nor DHMS diploma but they are treating the patients as full-fledged doctors. As a result, the death rate in Pakistan is increasing. Keeping aside these unfair and atrocious practices of these quacks, the two internationally recognized medical systems of treatment as mentioned above are undoubtedly useful for the betterment of humanity.
Needless to say that the MBBS graduate has more knowledge as compared to that of the DHMS graduate. The fee charged by DHMS doctor is far less as compared to the fee charged by the MBBS doctor. According to allopathic doctors, the homeopathy system is not wholesome and it is not very effective but this is not the case. Many patients are well treated by qualified homeopathy doctors and therefore many patients never go to the MBBS doctors. It means, both the systems of education are reliable and it is is all up to the person to choose between them.
It is commonly said that the homeopathy system has no side effects but this is not always the case. Every medicine has some positive effects and some negative effects on the body. This thing needs a great deal of research. Nobody can deny the fact that allopathic system is very popular in Pakistan. Homeopathy is inexpensive but this system does not have surgical procedures.
Throughout the world, universities are the center of research but in Pakistan, research is considered to be a waste of money and time. Unfortunately, at the government level too, the interest in the research process seems to be absent. It is required that the government should issue huge funds for the research for both types of medical colleges especially homeopathy because this system lacks extensive research.
In the end, to save the life of a common man, both the systems of homeopathy and allopathy are necessary and streamlining both needs real and proper attention of the government particularly in the context of research.
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