Hypertension is found in every other person these days which is very harmful and trying to control high blood pressure has become an unmanageable thing.
Every other person is taking medicines to control high blood pressure. These medicines have made them addicted to the level that there is no way they can cope-up without it. Medicines are a good way to cure the disease but full dependence on them is not so good for health.
Blood pressure has the following stages that need to look after:
- Less than 120, it is normal
- 120-129, then it is elevated
- 130-139, it is the first stage of hypertension
- 140 or higher, stage 2 of hypertension
- And if higher than 180, consult the doctor immediately (it is an alarming situation)
Some easy ways to control high blood pressure without medication:
Exercise daily
Exercising daily helps your heart to work efficiently and pumps the blood that lowers the blood pressure in arteries. Moreover, exercise helps you to stay fit. At least exercise for 30 minutes a day. It may include cycling, swimming, running and walking. Consult to your fitness couch regarding exercise and he would guide you about the time-period and ways of exercise.
Quit smoking
Smoking for high blood pressure patients is as harmful as poison. Smoking directly increases the risk of a heart attack because each time you smoke the blood pressure increases.
Avoid stress
Stress is the key to high blood pressure. Stress constricts the blood vessels and increases the heart rate. Stress also leads to eating unhealthy food and negative thoughts which causes high blood pressure. Such patients should try to work less and rest more. Listen to soothing music, spend time with family and practice mindful mediation and eat healthy food to shed all stress and depression.
Eat a healthy diet
High blood pressure patients consume fewer fats and less salt (sodium). Consuming potassium-rich food and eating vegetables or fruits are the best ways to lower high blood pressure. Take strawberries, cabbages, and spinach. Also take meat, fish, and grains. These natural foods are best to stay away from high blood pressure.
Lose weight
Losing weight and becoming fit is the best strategy to lower high blood pressure if you are overweight or obese person. According to research, losing 5 percent of weight lowers the blood pressure. Losing weight, even a pound drops the pressure of diastole and systole.
Eat bananas
Control high blood pressure by consuming bananas. Blood pressure is reduced up to 10 percent by eating 2 bananas daily. Bananas contain enough potassium that relaxes blood vessel walls.
Patients of high blood pressure initially do not take it seriously and keep on eating sodium and consume oily foods. This ultimately leads to hypertension that exceeds to stage 2. Always remember, higher blood pressure if not controlled, causes diabetes and effects kidneys.
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