The whole world has been encompassed of the pandemic disease coronavirus. It started at the end of 2019 and now in April it is still emerging rapidly. Until now, 1,446,981 cases have been diagnosed, out of which 83,090 people have died.
In Pakistan, 4,072 cases have diagnosed from which 25 are still in critical condition and 58 people have died. It is extremely alarming situation that whole world has been guided to stay at homes and most of the countries have a complete lock down.
Security is on high alert and only doctors are allowed to be on duty. All the other businesses, IT companies etc. have been suggested to work from homes and no one is allowed to come out of their homes except in case some emergency happens.
Everyone knows the real condition of Pakistan. The economy is getting lower. Businesses are in loss. But, some professions are still there that are not in the loss, but coronavirus has led them to go digital. Many businesses in Pakistan and around the world are being led by online work.
Social distancing and lockdown have made digital technologies become more crucial than ever before. People are not close to each other physically, but they can communicate with one another socially and also professionally.
This led companies to use a digital technology like video conferencing, cloud solutions, document sharing, and information security. All companies worldwide are forced to go digital and digital technology is the only way for them to carry on their business and to keep operations running.
Moreover, schools, colleges and, universities even all educational institutions, whether they are religious institutes or related to some other activity have been ordered to stay at home and arrange online classes. In these circumstances, there is no way to study or maintaining activities for students at home is only to arrange proper online classes.
From a reliable resource, it has been noted that students are taking online classes seriously and more than half of the students belong from the backward areas where the facility of internet is not easily available or there is the problem of the internet.
On the other hand, school-going children are also taught online that means these children are being tried to give online classes, but these little children do not understand through digital teaching. This online teaching is nothing but a melodrama that is being done to make money. No students are satisfied with this system.
Many things have changed in these quarantine days. More than half of the world is highly affected. 3 million Americans have been thrown out of their jobs, many of the daily wages Pakistani workers have no food to eat or no resource to earn but some workers are still there who are still working because coronavirus pandemic has forced Pakistan to go digital.
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