
Coronavirus outbreak: Pakistan is still on a safer side

Coronavirus outbreak

Fortunately, Pakistan is still the least affected region by the coronavirus outbreak with only 5 cases confirmed around the country. But things can get worse any time and more people can get affected if precautions are not taken in containing the virus. The cases so far surfaced are all among who recently arrived from Iran. Pakistan is already on alert of coronavirus that can spread from China to Pakistan. Many people have suspected that other cases will soon emerge but till now everything seems to be under control.

China these days is under tremendous pandemic crisis. Till now around 80,000 cases have resurfaced in China mainland, out of which around 3000 are dead and around 53,000 have recovered. Hubei province is highly effected, from whose city, Wuhan, it has originated. At least the other 10 cities are also highly infected from the virus. World Health Organization has directed people to have minimal physical contact and people are being asked to wear masks in public places. Schools, Universities, and Offices are closed in the province. Affected cities and the great wall of China has been closed by the government.

Fake news regarding coronavirus in Pakistan has spread. People have come up with their own conspiracy theories regarding its origin. Other people came up with fake messages regarding the symptoms, like some say, “if your throat is dried for a longer period, then you are more likely to get affected by coronavirus within ten minutes”. Social media is flooded with misinformation of homemade remedies like algae, garlic, sesame oil, marijuana, cocaine, coconut oil, rinsing the nose with saline and many others to cure the coronavirus even when there is still no vaccine developed and authorized by WHO.

The virus is now spread to all the countries of Asia, Australia, Europe, and the USA. In USA, 200 cases are confirmed with 8 dead. The virus has a fatality rate of 2. Nearly all countries have reported deaths due to the virus, fortunately, Pakistan is still safe with no death reported.

Pakistani officials have stated that due to the danger the highly contagious virus possesses, the students present in Hubei present will not be brought to the country. The students have been advised to take care of their hygiene and stay vigilant.

The government of Gilgit Baltistan expressed fear that the coronavirus outbreak can be spread from Khunjerab Pass to Gilgit. The health department sent medical staff in an emergency to the border to check patients and equip the healthcare centers with necessary tools. Different types of equipment like thermal scanner, gloves, surgical masks, long aprons, and disposable garments were provided to them at the border.

The symptoms of the infected virus may appear within 2-14 days after exposure which may include severe coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Apply some precautions to stay safe like wash your hands with some effective soap for 20 seconds, wear a face mask, maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and the person coughing, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth and stay alert through World Health Organization website and application.

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