Pakistan is following the footsteps of other nations of the world and has also opted for a general countrywide lockdown and a strict lockdown in the most affected parts to fight the Coronavirus pandemic. It has been more than a month that the lockdown is in place in many countries and many countries are already feeling the burn of the resultant economic slowdown. Every country is easing or increasing restrictions depending on the situation on the ground.
Developed countries like the USA, Germany UK, etc can afford the lockdown for a fairly long time. But the developing countries like Pakistan and other South Asian countries cannot continue with their countries being closed. Per capita income and GDP of Pakistan is the lowest in the region. The overall economic condition has always been vulnerable to different threats. The balance of payment has always remained adverse, which has led to stagnation and slow growth in recent years.
The main sources of income for the government of Pakistan are in the form of sales tax, exercise duty, custom dusty, and the income received from certain departments working under public sectors. These sources of income have been stopped, and therefore, it has becoming highly difficult to run the state of affairs.
Consequently, the common men, in general, and the daily wage workers, in particular, are facing the real problem. In these conditions, the government is being asked and pressurized from different sectors to ease the restrictions immediately.
World Health Organization has warned not to lift the lockdown unless the following six conditions are met:
- The spread of coronavirus has been controlled generally.
- The government has capabilities to provide the quarantine facilities and treatment to all corona affected patients.
- Staff, deputed on the treatment of affected people will be kept saved from the virus using required PPEs.
- Workplaces, education institutions, and markets, etc must be forced to follow the SOPs.
- There must be a proper system of medical checkup of those coming from different countries.
- Masses, in general, must be aware of the actual threat by the coronavirus and are ready to face the situation practically and mentally.
Unfortunately, the above conditions to a certain extent are only fulfilled by a few countries and still, partial lockdown is there. It is strange that highly developed and educated countries like the USA, UK, Italy, France, etc are still in a dilemma of how to tackle the situation.
There are still certain segments of society especially from the religious quarters which are not fully cooperating with the government. Some are just not taking the situation seriously and spreading misinformation and conspiracy the rout with fellow people.
The last five days have seen an exponential rise in the Covid-19 cases and just yesterday 56 people died in a single day which is the highest so far.
By learning from the steps taken by the rest of the world, the government and the people of Pakistan should show their resolve and be ready for any kind of situation to fight Coronavirus. People must follow whatever the government instructs.
The situation cannot be taken lightly anymore and strong steps must be taken as well as followed earnestly to save the lives of Pakistanis and also to save the economy of Pakistan.
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