Self confidence is basically a trust and confidence level of any individual on ability and they know that they can face day to day challenges in life.
Psychology plays a very important role in any person’s self-confidence, it links with the childhood experiences like it can be affected on any child’s confidence during his parent’s separation or any bad experience happened in school, playground and any market which can badly affect on any child emotionally, mentally or psychologically.
People with low self-confidence look towards the world as hostile and consider themselves as a victim because they think that people around them can hurt them any time and they are powerless to fight against them.
Moreover, parents also play an important role in the development of self-confidence in their child in the starting years by showing a level of acceptance on acts makes a child comfortable and happy with his parents.
If any or both parents criticize the child on most of his acts and demanding high from him, then children may come to think that he is incapable or inferior than others and unable to work like other children. Children become a victim of an inferiority complex and after that, he will be the one who considers himself a person with no skills and confidence.
On the other hand, if a person has a belief in himself that he can fight with everyone for his right eventually no one knows that what is written in their fate they only have a belief for the best and then they go ahead on the bases of their confidence.
People with higher self-confidence level gives importance to themselves and take care of them from any harm like if someone likes cars and it is important for him, that’s why he knows how to drive it, how to park it and how to decorate it and then show it to the other people with pride, same is the case with a person with higher self-confidence level he prepared himself confidently and then show it to the world that this is what I am actually.
People with low confidence are not considered as a lack of abilities, they have the abilities to work better like others and they can even maintain their confidence level by self-motivation and accomplishing goals and fight with their fears.
Everyone in this world is better and we need to understand this thing that we can also perform our duties like others and no one can harm us and no one can impose their orders on us. We are as best as others.
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