The health condition in Pakistan has never been meritorious. More than half of the population has been suffering from many health problems.
Health issues are major issues across the whole world and especially in developing countries. Pakistan is one of them. Pakistan has many health issues reaching an alarming condition which can be understood by the infant mortality rate in the country.
Despite significant improvements over the past decades in terms of making people’s lives better, Pakistan ranks third in the world when it comes to infant mortality. Every year hundreds of infant deaths occur and after every 20 minutes, one woman dies due to complications in pregnancy. The health issues concerning women and children are the highest in Pakistan.
These health issues are causing the increase in new kinds of diseases that are difficult to treat because of the lack of finances and enabling conditions. Pakistan is currently ranking at 122 out of 190 countries in terms of the provision of healthcare according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
65 million people are below the poverty line in the country. These impoverished people do not have access to even the most basic needs. Food security is so rampant that they cannot guarantee there three times meal daily. These people when suffering some disease, they cannot consult a doctor due to very low wages. Moreover, Pakistan has not enough doctors or nurses that could treat such people. That is why most of the time these people are left to die without any treatment.
Pakistan has not provided poor the free of cost treatment. The poor suffer badly. Although public or local hospitals are meant to provide free basic care and medicine, yet only a few are able to enjoy free treatment. Moreover, people who need surgical treatments wait for too long rather for days. And when their turn comes, their infection or condition is worsened and disease has gotten highly severe. 2 million surgeries are backlogged in Pakistan while the number of diseases is increasing with each passing day.
On the other hand, only 20 percent of Pakistan has access to clean water. The rest of the population suffers from many diseases that occur due to the consumption of contaminated water. Malaria and diarrhea are the prevalence of diseases that occur due to dirty water. Half of the country’s population have no recourses to consume clean water. This is the ultimate poor condition of health sectors in the country that no health department tries to provide clean water to the population.
Then polio is another poor health condition of Pakistan. Polio has been vanished out of all the countries for years but Pakistan and an African country are the only countries that have polio infection. According to the survey, polio infections are again on the rise. KPK and Punjab are specific provinces where polio is high in children.
Cancer, diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, asthma, stroke and hepatitis are other diseases that are taking thousands of lives in Pakistan. These diseases are treatable but with resources. Higher authorities need to get their act together and start working to fix the many health problems for the betterment of the people.
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