One of the most neglected departments in Pakistan is the health department where basic patients rights are not provided rather the department is poorly managed due to negligence of health authorities.
Pakistan has many common diseases and many of them are highly expensive to treat. For the expensive treatment, common people are given the right to use government-provided funds that can cure them. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s widespread corruption does not allow such patients to have free of cost treatment rather the whole fund is grasped by the usual corrupt entities of the society.
This is highly lamentable that people’s basic rights have been snatched from them are they are left to die, only due to the negligence of higher authorities.
Another right that is snatched from the patients is that all patients have the right to be treated with highly qualified and the specialist doctor to get better treatment but instead, most of the patients cannot afford high fees and they are dealt by an inexperienced and low qualified doctor in public hospitals.
The inexperienced doctors treat the patient carelessly without thoroughly understanding the disease. It kills thousands of patients in a year. No better treatment in return for high charges and consequently, people start visiting quacks where hundreds of people go for checkups daily.
Every day, a long line of waiting patients are seen outside the room of the specialist doctor. And more than half of them do not get a checkup as the doctor’s working hours end. Then, more than one patient with different disease is seen on the same beds. The polluted environment and unhygienic water or food are provided to the patients.
“Patients should be treated with dignity, respect, courtesy, and privacy. Health care is a basic human right and must be given regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, lifestyle or illness”, is the right that is not only ignored rather patients’ dignity and respect are not considered. Although, it is the patients’ right to have access to proper facilities with respect.
On the other hand, the mental health department is the most neglected as a consulting psychiatrist is considered as taboo towards people. But, the treatment of mental disorders is the necessary part. Pakistan has no proper mental health department with highly qualified psychiatrists.
The hospitals contain specialists who are highly expensive that no common man can afford. Moreover, more than 80 percent of the people are suffering from mental health but still, no one is diagnosed because of the lack of mental health awareness.
Private hospitals do a big disservice to the patient’s family. Even after the death of a patient, doctors keep on asking to submit the fees of tests, which is the violation of patients rights. Just to make more money, the whole staff of the hospital lie. This is the ultimate brutality. But due to no rule of law so such type of fraud not considered a crime. Whole Pakistan except the upper-class is not provided their rights.
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