People die in Pakistan due to the unavailability of clean water; treatment is inadequate as there is contaminated water in hospitals.
Cities like Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad are mainly lacking in clean water. Many children become the victim of diarrhea that leads to death. Scarcity of clean water in 80 percent in Pakistan. Only 20 percent of the population has access to clean water which has potassium and other essential elements in it that are essential for the human body.
Hospitals are built to treat patients. Many of the patients recover from the diseases but eventually, they return with a disease born from contaminated water in hospitals. The scarcity of clean water makes many people sick. Clean water is rare in many government hospitals that are built to treat patients free of cost. In such hospitals, authorities are the least concerned about this highly concerned problem.
Tanks in hospitals are not cleaned for many years and the bacteria grows in them. Some of them are Benazir Bhutto Hospital, Rawalpindi, DHQ Hospital, Rawalpindi, and Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore. No one questions and patients continue to come for special treatment without knowing the sanitary problems. Patients get admitted and use this polluted water and often use with medicines. Water condition in hospitals is getting deteriorated daily.
Hospitals are the only institutes where sick go to get healthy. However, in Pakistan, sick goes to the hospital and comes with some other disease. Every year 50 percent of diseases occur due to scarcity of clean water and 40 percent of deaths occur because of the rarity of clean water. This contaminated water carries many unsafe organic substances and minerals with bacteria. This only causes epidemic diseases.
Water can be tested and inspected by the PCSIR and PCRWR, and this action should be taken twice or thrice a year to provide clean water to patients. The government should be responsible for such hospitals where no attention is paid to sanitary problems.
Diarrhea, dysentery, giardiasis, cholera and typhoid fever are common water-borne diseases. When such patients go for treatment, doctors suggest they drink clean water. But what of poor who have no availability of clean water by any means. More than half of the population is suffering due to the scarcity of clean water.
Moreover, more than half of the hospitals are not providing clean water. This is especially true of hospitals or clinics in a small and remote area like towns and villages. Villages are the most backward areas where no attention is given to the cleanliness of the water. Not even authorities make them realize to use clean water for better health.
Pakistan is one of the 10 water-stressed countries in the world. Director of Medical & Health Services Senior Dr. Birbal Genani claimed Abbasi Shaheed Hospital will be provided water plants for clean water and tanks will be maintained properly. But there is a big question mark of such vows. No maintenance is undertaken and no water plant is built till now. Every year such promises are made and no work is done whereas hospitalized patients are still suffering badly due to scarcity of clean water.
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