Almost 70 percent of students face severe mental stress, anxiety, and depression due to tough studies and tough competition.
A high standard of education is not provided in Pakistan but the competition to achieving high scores has been made an essential factor by society. Mental stress starts from school and it continues all the life. University students induce stress from time bindings, social adjustments and academic requirements in particular. Every year, new syllabus and tough than previous books are introduced.
According to the study, students in Pakistan are facing tremendous mental stress not only due to the tough studies but peer pressure to strive for the highest marks. Students of 9th and 10th standards when asked about their final examination preparation, many had chronic depression because of the tough competition they were anticipating. High school and college students were asked and their main fear was getting failed in getting admission to top universities. Some of the students were found repeating the different courses to secure more marks so that they can easily enroll in top universities.
Pre-medical students were observed to be most depressed. They were extremely conscious of getting admission in top ranking medical colleges in Pakistan. When they were interviewed, their core aim was to become the doctor because of their family pressure. Then they were said that in case they couldn’t make it into MBBS, can they choose some other medical field instead of MBBS, interestingly, they directly rejected the idea and said; “We studied hard to get admission in medical college, this is the core aim of our lives”.
The previous year, a female medical student of Peshawar, committed suicide as she could not clear her supplementary examination. Then, a university student of Islamabad committed suicide because he had extreme pressure of teachers who held a grudge against the student and kept failing that student.
Educational institutions are also part of the bigger problem. First, they charge high fees for education and they maltreat their students. High fees are arranged by some means but maltreatment with students leads them to stress and mental anxiety. If students are not given proper attention, they ultimately think of committing suicide. Educational institutions have developed the concept of charging a high fee and providing bookish education only. The ethics and nourishment of the student are completely ignored.
The poor environment and poor relationship status of the family is another reason for the mental stress in students. A student who tries hard to secure good grades in studies but his home environment does not let him stay mentally healthy rather the domestic issues lead him to stress and directly or indirectly affect his studies.
The medical college heads need to ponder over the issue seriously. No educational institute should be allowed to undermine the depression is students. Moreover, more universities and medical colleges need to be developed so that the students who get mental depression when fail in getting admission may take admission somewhere else and remain mentally healthy.
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