The political history of Pakistan has always been in the tide since its inception. In 1948, Liaqat Ali Khan became prime minister, but the first constitution of Pakistan formulated in 1956. A few points of that constitution are as under:
- Supreme power rests with Allah
- The official name of Pakistan is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- Rules and regulations will be according to Islamic teaching
- The focus was to make the best relations with Islamic countries
- Democracy, justice, freedom, and equality will be the guiding principles in running the state of affairs
Elected assembly revised this constitution in 1962. Certain points are as under;
- The official name of Pakistan was modified and the new name Republic Pakistan was declared. After the strong agitation, the deleted word “Islamic” was again added and the official name of Pakistan was the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- Surprisingly, the theater was no concept of prime minister in the constitution of 1962
- Minorities were given security
- Two institutions under the name of Islamic research institute and Islamic ideology council were established.
This is the time when the army chief field marshal was all in all in the country. It was a kind of dictatorship. Astonishingly, no outcome of the investigation of the murder of the first Prime Minister could be brought forth.
Democracy was badly damaged by dismissing the elected assembly. The late 60s strong agitation started against President Muhammad Ayub Khan in both parts of East Pakistan and West Pakistan under the leadership of Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto one of the prominent members of the cabinet of Ayub Khan.
President Ayub khan then compelled to hand over the power to his predecessor general Muhammad Yahya Khan. In 1971 General Yahya arranged the general elections in both parts of the country.
The Awami Muslim League was lead by Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, a belonging popular leader who got the majority over the popular political party of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto refused to accept the results of elections and as a result, the worst tragedy in the history of Pakistan took place in the form of dismemberment of East Pakistan which is now called Bangladesh.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became president of the remaining part of the country who established another popular constitution in 1973 which is invoked today. Another strong agitation started against Mr. Bhutto and in 1977 an army general Zia Ul Haq took over and later Mr. Bhutto was hanged against the arrogation of the murder of the politician Mr. Kasoori.
Zia UL Haq remained in power for 11 years and as a result of the election in 1988, PPP under the leadership of Benazir Bhutto took over. Her government could not complete 5 years and assembly was dismissed by the then presidents Mr. Lagari.
Later, Nawaz Sharif took over as PM in the new assembly butt his tenure could not be completed and Mr. Ishaq khan the then-president dismissed the assembly. General Musharraf took over as chief executive officer who later became the president. After the strong pressure from the political segments, general Musharraf left the bar and PPP took over.
PPP became the first government that completed its tenure since the establishment of Pakistan from 2008 to 2013. The government of PML (N) became the second one that completed its tenure from 2013 to 2018. It will not be irrelevant to mention that in the first three years in PML(N) government the head of the party Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef remained PM but he was sent to jail on the allegation of corruption but the party leader Mr. Khaqan Abbasi took over as PM.
PTI government is ruling over the country at present and it is hoped that the democratic process will continue.
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