Pakistanis are baldy affected by the scarcity of hospitals, expensive medical treatment and poor health facilities. Government hospitals provide free treatment but they lack doctors and basic health facilities. Private hospitals on the other hand are too expansive and many people have no means to afford its treatment. Fortunately, some great individuals have devoted their lives to serve humanity and they have started organizations that treat patients free of cost. Here are some top organizations that provide free medical care in Pakistan:
Edhi Foundation
Edhi foundation is the top best foundation across Pakistan that provides the best social servicing. This organization provides its services without any discrimination of class, sects, color, creed, or anything rather Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilquis Edhi started their pious services in the name God. Services are provided here for the sake of humanity.
It provides free of cost medical transportation services, free treatment, especially for diabetic, hypertension, and lung cancer patients. Free eye treatment is also available. Many types of cancers are also treated that have a separate hospital. They have thousands of ambulances that rush to wherever an incident takes place.
Al Mustafa Welfare Society
Al Mustafa society was established by Abdul Razzaq Sajid in 1982. It is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. It provides its services to the needy and poor class. Moreover, this organization has joined hands to replace the poor health facilities that were provided in marginalized and poor communities, and in this way, it improved the medical system.
It has been working for the betterment of the basic health care system and providing free medical care in Pakistan. This organization is run by the most motivated social workers who comprise of competent doctors, engineers, business executives, lawyers, and many other representatives of several fields. It does not only provide free medical treatment but also provides free orphanages, free education, etc just like the Edhi foundation.
Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital
Shaukat Khanam provides special services to cancer patients. This hospital was established by Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The hospital deals with all kinds of patients. It provides treatments for all kinds of cancers and therapies. Moreover, it also demands donations like every other organization, and many people wholeheartedly contribute big amounts.
Transparent Hands
Transparent Hands is the only organization that transplants organs free of cost. It is a non-profit organization that gives surgery to poor patients by using a global crowdfunding platform. This platform ensures patients about the donors for complete transparency.
Chhipa Welfare Association
Chhipa Welfare Association was found in 2007 by Mr. Ramzan Chippa. It is a completely non-profitable welfare organization in Pakistan. Its main slogan is “Love the Human Being, Respect Mankind, Be the Ambassador of Peace”. It provides free of cost ambulances, medical treatment, and first aid boxes, etc.
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