Bahria Town is one of Pakistan’s best real estate projects, and it has certainly changed the real estate market’s pattern. The Bahria Town has become very appealing not only to local investors, but also to a number of international investors as a result of exemplary development work and competent customer service. Only Bahria Town housing scheme is preferred by expatriate Pakistanis planning to invest their hard-earned income.
Malik Riaz, the owner of Bahria Town, is the subject of numerous tales, myths, and rumours across the country. Bahria Town has hired a number of foreign-trained real estate experts who are true experts in their field.
Every real estate professional has been drawn to Bahria Town by the excellent pay rates and perks. Since the workers are well compensated, they put their heart and soul into their jobs and strive to complete it in a timely and professional manner.
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Bahria Town began operations in Rawalpindi, where it purchased barren and waste land on the outskirts of the city. There was a time when the same land was available for sale at a much lower price, but no one noticed because they thought it would be a waste of time and money to purchase it there. However, due to the growth of Bahria Town Rawalpindi, the price of the same land has increased many times, making it completely out of reach for the middle and upper middle classes.
Why Bahria Town Investment is Profitable?
Bahria Town is now regarded as one of the most lucrative real estate investments. The key reason for this is the high standard of real estate development work and the appetite of local and international investors. In a short period of time, the owner of the Bahria Town housing scheme has become a real estate tycoon. People will pay any price to buy plots and houses in Bahria Town. At first, the scheme was so appealing that even the application forms were too short and were sold on the black market for thousands of rupees.
The plots in the Bahria Town sectors are distributed by balloting, and those who are active in the balloting consider themselves to be extremely fortunate. Allottees are given plots and are required to pay simple monthly or quarterly instalments that include the cost of the land as well as construction fees. After the required period has passed and all dues have been paid, the allotees are given possession of the plot and officially become its owners. In addition to this, the investors procure the plots’ allotment files from the original allotees, and hence started a new real estate business, that of buying and selling Bahria Town plot files.
Bahria Town Rawalpindi was once the main hub of all real estate industry, and many Pakistanis observed that even a low level of property dealer who did not have a proper office now owned plazas. This was attributed to the housing scheme’s huge buying and sale of plot files and real estate. The file company in Bahria Town Karachi is currently booming, with prices changing on a daily basis. Big investors buy a lot of these plot files and making a lot of money off of them.
Key Services and Benefits by Bahria Town
Bahria Town provides a variety of services and benefits, but the following are the most common among residents:
- Construction work of a high standard.
- The plot and house transition process are easy.
- Easily accessible assistance in the construction of homes.
- Power supply that is never interrupted.
- Access to gas, water, internet, and electricity, among other things
- A security device that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Keep the area clean.
- The presence of leisure facilities such as a theatre, parks, and a zoo.
- Access to health services such as playgrounds, tennis courts, and gyms.
- Educational facilities such as colleges, universities, and institutes are available.
- The availability of shopping options.
This is one of the main reasons why people are drawn to Bahria Town and regard it as a privilege to own a piece of land there. In addition to the above facilities, there is another very large facility in the form of a golf course. Since golf is primarily played by the wealthy, this facility has attracted a large number of people to purchase or construct homes in Bahria Town.
Bahria Town’s Competent Administration
It may seem odd, but the majority of Bahria Town administration staff are military personnel. The top management is made up of former army officers, nave generals, and brigadiers who are well compensated and receive several perks and benefits. The key explanation is that army officers have unquestionable honesty, are highly qualified in administration, and have much superior management, supervisory, and execution skills than their civilian counterparts.
Bahria Town has become a very prosperous organisation as a result of their efforts, and others hope to be a part of it. Other civilian workers are highly trained and knowledgeable about their careers, and they give their all to make the Bahria Town real estate organisation a success. People are drawn to them because of their cordial, polite, and pure professional demeanour in public.
Bahria Town Security
When you are spending a huge money into something then a main question arises is the security of the place. However, in the Bahria Town case the administration has done a superb job for the safety and security of their residents so that they can sleep without any fear.
Bahria Town has its own security firm, which is run and supervised by former military personnel and other security experts. They have their own security vehicles, armoured cars, and all of the security personnel are completely fitted with the latest weapons and equipment. The housing scheme in Bahria Town is patrolled 24 hours a day, and all entry and exit points are completely staffed by security personnel to prevent any thoroughfare in the town.
Fun Facilities in Bahria Town
Life becomes boring without leisure and entertainment, and it is a natural human instinct to demand recreational facilities to keep themselves fresh and active. To meet this demand, the Bahria Town administration has built a number of entertaining facilities in their housing schemes. Every developed sector has its own parks, playgrounds, cinemas, and other amenities. Furthermore, special provisions are made for indoor games such as squash courts and badminton courts, among others.
There are numerous high-end restaurants and dining establishments where visitors can sample Chinese and local cuisine.
Bahria Town also has its own zoos and safari parks, where you can see a variety of local and exotic birds and animals. This provides children and their elders with a great deal of learning and entertainment. Many beautiful birds in specially made cages can be found along the road in Bahria Town Rawalpindi. This gives you the impression that you are visiting a safari park in another world. To cut a long storey short, the Bahria Town administration has made certain that everyone who lives there receives the full dose of entertainment that they deserve.
Bahria Town Expansion
The organization expanded their operations to other cities after successfully completing Bahria Town Rawalpindi. So, after that, Bahria Town Lahore and Bahria Town Islamabad were launched, which were a step ahead of Bahria Town Rawalpindi since all the flaws and problems were addressed, and the housing scheme in Lahore was improved significantly.
As a result, Bahria Town has become Asia’s largest property symbol. Finally, it relocated to Karachi, Pakistan’s largest commercial centre.
The Karachi’s real estate market takes full swing when Bahria Town initiated their plans for Karachi and becomes center of attraction for big fish of the country. For their Karachi’s project, Bahria Town build the Grand Jamia Mosque which is the largest mosque after Masjid-un-Nabwi and apart from that university was also built.
People in Karachi welcomed Bahria Town with bags full of cash, as Karachi is a wealthy place. Bahria Town is currently in the process of developing a new city. However, the truth remains that Bahria Town Rawalpindi retains its importance as Bahria Town’s oldest and first ever housing project.
Bahria Town’s Future
Everyone needs to know what the direction of the Bahria Town housing scheme looks like. Simple investors and citizens are also asking the same question. Investors are interested because they are worried about the money they have put into the business. Residents want to know whether they will have access to the same living standards, amenities, and benefits in Bahria Town. The simple response to all of the questions is that Bahria Town’s future is incredibly bright now that it has matured into a fully functional entity.
Many of the processes and systems have been automated, so whether the owner is in the office or not, it will run smoothly and automatically. Bahria Town is a big organisation with many people who are capable of running it. Furthermore, Bahria Town sectors, especially Bahria Town Rawalpindi, are mostly occupied, so once people start living there, it becomes a well-established neighbourhood where they can easily look after themselves.
Bahria Town has shifted the real estate market’s overall trend, and while many other companies have arisen, they are far behind Bahria Town. There is no place like Bahria Town if you have money to invest or want to live there.