Physiotherapy is the emerging mode of treatment in Pakistan. It is the way of treatment through physical means such as exercise, massage, and modalities like heat and cold treatment rather than a conservative line of treatment such as medicines or surgery.
Health Awareness:
The trend in Pakistan regarding health care has been revolutionized over the years. The people are getting aware of the health hazards that medications cause on different organs especially on the kidneys. The literacy rate in Pakistan has been increased in the past few years rendering them aware of the overall health benefits of physical therapy.
People now days are very much concerned and conscious about their health unlike the people in the old era. If a patient is not healing for the disorders after taking medications for a long period of time, they do question their physician and adopt a different mode of treatment.
Many physical disorders are healed when a force or movement is applied in a certain manner such as muscular stiffness. The stiffness is only and only is resolved by heating the involved muscle and applying physical means of treatment such as stretching.
There are a lot many disorders that require the movement of involved parts for its treatment, for instance, in orthopedic disorders like frozen shoulder. A patient with a frozen shoulder needs appropriate exercise, heat therapy and strengthening of the involved areas of the shoulder. If these interventions are not taken timely the only options left are painful surgery and it’s after-effects.
Important of Physiotherapy:
Hence, the importance of physical therapy is increasing day by day, not only among the patients but also in healthy people to stay fit and formed. People prefer physiotherapy treatment for their wide areas of disorders like cardiopulmonary strengthening by doing aerobics.
People are now concerned about their heart’s health, not only by eating healthy, but also through various exercises. Physiotherapy also deals with women’s health during pregnancy and after childbirth in maintaining the pelvic floor dysfunctions. Neurological disorders leading to physical limitations are treated with physical therapy that proves fruitful in the relief of these disabilities.
The babies born with physical or mental abnormalities are not left helpless and dependent these days. There are pediatric physiotherapists who apply specialized modalities and therapeutic exercises for their muscular activation.
Digital World:
Social media has proven to be the driver of the change in the typical mentality. There are a lot of means through which social media has helped in the promotion of the importance of physical therapy. In this global village, every person has a smartphone and access to social media.
There are many videos that physical therapists post on their accounts teaching the laymen the significance of adopting exercises as an option for physical disorders, not only the importance, but they also guide the general population specialized exercises so that those people who could not reach out to these treatments get facilitated by sitting at their homes.
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