Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is a Professor Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist practicing in Lahore. He is the best Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist in Lahore providing services including Allergy, Bronchoscopy, Allergies To Industrial And Household Pollutants, Breathlessness, Bronchiectatic Disease. He has an experience of over 35 years in this field. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal did MBBS from Nishtar Medical College Multan, MRCP from Ireland, Diploma In Thoracic Medicine from London University .
He is a practicing Consultant Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist providing His services through Online Video Consultation in selective hours. He has worked as a Consultant Pulmonologist at National Hospital, Lahore, Professor of Pulmonology at Sheikh zayed Hospital, Lahore, Head of the Department and Senior Pulmonologist at King Abdullah Hospital, Saudi Arabia. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal has a patient satisfaction score of 100%. He is considered a top Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist in Lahore.His average clinic waiting time, 0 mins. He has 5 reviews available on the profile which tells you about the patient experiences and helps you in making an informed decision.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is available from Monday to Saturday between 11:30 AM – 03:00 PM at National Hospital & Medical Centre, Lahore. Monday to Saturday between 04:00 PM – 06:00 PM at National Hospital & Medical Centre, Lahore. Monday to Sunday between 11:00 AM – 06:00 PM at Video Consultation, Lahore. His fee is 3000 for an appointment. If you want to book an appointment or online video consultation with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, fill the online form or call at Marham helpline: 0311-1222398 and schedule your appointment.