
Tit for Tat: China will hit back if US forces out Chinese journalists

US Chinese journalists

China and the United States of America have already exchanged numerous tit for tat actions. According to international media, US is all set to force Chinese journalists to leave the country but according to Global Times Editor in Chief Hu Xijin, if US does that then China will also retaliate and eventually target U.S journalists working in Hong Kong.

“Given that the US side hasn’t renewed visa of Chinese journalists, Chinese side has prepared for the worst scenario that all Chinese journalists have to leave the US,” Hu Xijin said Via Twitter. “If that’s the case, Chinese side will retaliate, including targeting US journalists based in Hong Kong.”

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Global Times is a Chinese based newspaper that is published by People’s Daily and it is the official newspaper of the ruling party of China the Communist Party.

The United States immigration department changed policy regarding Chinese journalists that they can only obtain a 90 days visa and visitors do have an extension option. At the moment it is not certain how many Chinese journalists will be affected after amendment in the immigration policy.

China authorities also banned three United States journalists who work for the US newspaper agency New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. Chinese also issued a warning regarding matching the numbers if the United States takes further actions on Chinese journalists.

The clash between the US and China escalated when President Donald Trump started calling the coronavirus as Chinese Virus.

The US also ordered China to close down its consulate in Houston, Texas while China also hit back with closing down US consulate in Chengdu while claiming that US staff interfered in Chinese internal affairs.

Moreover, the US is also planning to impose a ban on TikTok as the United States believes the app is sharing user’s data with the Chinese government and its Army.

Experts from around the globe think that the new US-China cold war will only escalate from here.

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