
Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet

Marcus Hutchins

The 22 years old Marcus Hutchins became an internet hero by saving the world from the worst cyberattack the world had ever seen. Marcus is a British computer security researcher who discovered the WannaCry ransomware attack back in 2017 and by using a Kill switch he stopped the increasing attack which was scattering all over the world and destroying data on thousands of computers.

However, when U.K media shown him as a hero for stopping the attack, character assassination started against Marcus for creating and selling of Kronos banking malware.

Marcus Hutchins was arrested by the FBI because of the malware he created which was used in the banking field. At first, Hutchins assumed that the authorities wanted to know more about WannaCry but when the interrogation started, they asked about banking software.

At the age of 16, Hutchins involuntarily created the malware but later he earned a good status among other hackers as a talented malware ghostwriter.

You can be a good ethical hacker without having a criminal past and that’s what Hutchins did. Writing malware is one of the strong skills he has.

During his arrest, many of his supporters and friends came to defend him and raised the awareness that he is the one who had worked vigorously to uncover cybercriminals and their attacking behavior. Reports revealed that these supporters even raised $12,000 for Hutchins bail.

During the trial, the Judge described Hutchins as “talented but youthful offender”.

Hutchins’s attorney Brian Klein shared his views in a statement that “We are excited that Judge sees what Marcus has done to save the world and by letting him go as a free man. And also says that Marcus appreciates the backing he received from his supporters”.

The contribution of the Hutchins will be remembered because of his huge contribution to the world. He may sacrifice his reputation but still, he is living with pride. Hutchins says, he doesn’t want to be WannaCry guy or Kronos guy all he wanted to do is help to make things better.

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