
Punjab: 95 out of 60,000 tested Covid positive in random sampling after Eid

Punjab random Covid sampling

In the Punjab province only 95 people out of 60,000 tested Covid positive in random sampling conducted by the authorities after Eidul Azha.

The Punjab government started random sampling after Eidul Adha and in the total 60,000 random sampling tests conducted by the team in the 20 days of the Eid, only 95 citizens have turned out to be coronavirus positive.

Read more: Bill Gates praises Pakistan’s efforts in tackling Covid-19

Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar stated that the ratio of COVID-19 positive cases to collected samples tested is only 0.16.

Sharing this news from his Twitter account CM Buzdar revealed that citizens of the province must follow the SOPs and wear face masks, regularly wash your hands with any soap and follow the social distancing in order to avoid the second wave of coronavirus outbreak in the province.

Last week, the officials from Punjab launched a smart swab random sampling movement to distinguish new COVID positive cases across the province jurisdiction.

Under the campaign, all the District Health Authorities (DHA) have been instructed to do randomly gather swab samples every single day in each city of Punjab.

The swab sampling method will be conducted mostly at public places such as parks, markets and tourists’ spots. The random sampling will also be collected from orphanage homes and jails.

As of August 25, 2020, overall confirmed coronavirus cases in Pakistan reached 293,711. The recovery rate of Pakistan is astonishing as 278,425 citizens have been recovered from deadly coronavirus.

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