
Supreme Court Directs FIA To Block Fake Twitter Account Of Justice Sardar Tariq Masood

Supreme Court Directs FIA To Block Fake Twitter Account Of Justice Sardar Tariq Masood

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has taken strong action against the creation of fake social media accounts of judges, directing the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to investigate and take legal action against the individuals responsible. The latest order comes in response to a fake Twitter account that was created in the name of Justice Sardar Tariq Masood, a judge of the Supreme Court. 

In a statement issued by the court’s public relations officer, it was clarified that Justice Masood does not use any Twitter account or any other social media ID. The statement also highlighted the need to prevent the spread of false information and protect the reputation of the judiciary. 

The Supreme Court has been vigilant in taking action against fake social media accounts in recent years. In 2020, the court ordered the FIA to block fake Facebook accounts of judges, which were being used to spread false information and defame the judiciary. 

The creation of fake social media accounts is not just a matter of spreading false information, but also a threat to the security of individuals. In recent years, there have been numerous cases of individuals impersonating public figures on social media, using fake accounts to extract personal information from unsuspecting individuals. 

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The FIA has been tasked with blocking fake names, IDs, and pages, and taking legal action against those involved in accordance with the law. This is a crucial step towards ensuring the protection of public figures and preventing the spread of false information on social media. 

The Supreme Court’s directive is a reminder of the importance of maintaining the integrity of public institutions and the need for strict measures against those who seek to defame or harm them. The creation of fake social media accounts is not just a matter of impersonation, but is a serious violation of the law, and those found guilty must be held accountable. 

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