
Total companies registered by SECP goes up to 169,919 till May 2022


In May 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 1,906 new companies, bringing the total number of businesses registered to 169,919. 

In comparison to the same period last year, this represents a 19% increase. For the current month, total capitalization (paid-up capital) for newly incorporated firms was Rs. 3.5 billion. 

51 new enterprises from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Korea South, Norway, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States have received foreign investment. 

Read more: SECP registered 2,354 new companies in March

In May, 63 percent of businesses were formed as private limited corporations, while 35 percent were formed as sole proprietorships. Public unlisted companies, not-for-profit organizations, foreign firms, and limited liability partnerships (LLP) accounted for 2% of the total. 

Approximately 99.8% of businesses were registered online, with 195 foreign individuals registering from other countries. 

With 334 companies incorporated, real estate development & construction took the lead, followed by trading with 282, information technology with 260, services with 172, tourism with 69, education with 65, e-commerce with 64, food & beverages, and textile with 56 each, marketing & advertisement with 54, corporate agricultural farming with 43, transportation with 42, engineering with 41, pharmaceutical with 40, healthcare, and chemical with 31 each, mining & quarrying with 26, auto & allied with 23, power generation with 22, logging with 21, cables and electric goods with 20, cosmetics & toiletries with 17, communication with 14, broadcasting & telecasting with 13, fuel & energy with 12, and 98 companies were registered in other sectors. 

Through the SECP portal, 1,562 companies were registered with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for the generation of a National Tax Number (NTN), 41 companies with the Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI), 22 companies with PESSI/SESSI, and 26 companies with the Excise and Taxation department. 

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